On 21 Jan 1999, Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:

> > If you found a yamaha model that's affordable, _Get_it!_  Those are
> oh, by affordable I mean it's under 600 EUR... maybe I've seen also
> non-rewritable models under 400 EUR, VAT included

Sorry, I don't know the conversion factor yet, I paid 215$US for my
CDD-2600, so pretty darn cheap. (2X6 read/write)

> > excellent machines.  They are closely followed in quality by Philips and
> I've had bad experience with philips crap in the past... 

Check goldenhawk, they list good/bad philips drives.  The CDD-2600 beyond
firmware 1.07 they say is a good drive (and that's what I based my
decision on).  So far, no problems and I've sent about 300 discs through
this thing.  (probably made about 10 coasters).

But if you've got a bad taste in your mouth WRT philips, stay away from HP
too.  HP's drives are slightly disabled philips models (usually don't
support all the modes).

> > Also, IMHO, a SCSI writer is vastly superior to an IDE.  In general, they
> > support more modes, can be external (so if for some reason it refuses to
> > eject a disc--I've had that happen--you can power-cycle the driver w/o
> > losing your uptime).  There are many other reasons such as stability, but
> > since I don't fully understand those reasons, I won't pretent to talk
> > about them.
> I didn't ever even thought of wasting my money on an IDE writer :-)
> The suggestion about external ones is interesting, though.
> > Good luck!
> > (subliminal message --- psst.. buy the yamaha)
> aren't you satisfied with your Philips ?

The philips is nice, but I'd trade for a yamaha for two reasons: 1. CD+G
(not that I'd ever use it, I'd just like to be able to), 2. yamaha usually
does caddy systems while philips only does tray.  (a 10$ caddy is a lot
nicer to replace than a 200$ writer).


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