there is a secion in the code that contains this paragraph:

#  Define this if you want to be sure to not allow users to change their
#  From header line when they send out mail. Even if you don't define
#  this the default is to not allow From to be changed. The user would
#  to edit (by hand) "allow-changing-from" into their .pinerc feature list
#  or the sys-admin would have to include it in the default feature-list.
#  Even after that, the user still has to include it in either their
#  default-composer-hdrs or customized-hdrs to get at it. Instead of
#  defining NEVER_ALLOW_CHANGING_FROM, an easier way of preventing From
#  changing is to put the feature "no-allow-changing-from" in the
#  /usr/local/lib/pine.conf.fixed file.
#/* #define NEVER_ALLOW_CHANGING_FROM /* probably not needed */

so in the feature-list section I added:


at the bottom in .pinerc (note that you have to do this by hand, there
isn't a config option to allow it) and then in the setup -> config section
I did this:

   customized-hdrs=From: Kevin Conover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Reply-To: Kevin Conover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

try that and see if it's what you're looking for.

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, COfrog wrote:

> Interesting glitch in Pine 4.10
> My ISP requires that my mailer send my login ID and correct domain name.
> Configuring Pine for that was no problem, however, I use a remailer
> service for my primary email address, that way when I relo and switch
> ISP's my email stays the same.
> I read through the archives and FAQ's and found the custom-headers
> settings.  Setting the Reply-To worked without a hitch.
> One problem - even though I have From: set in the custom-headers table,
> the sent header only contains my local name and domain-name.
> Any thoughts on what might be causing the mix-up?  Or how to force the
> bugger?


Kevin Conover: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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