On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 09:43:11PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
> > Aside from the obvious errors, I think we should note the criticisms,
> > they are actually quite true (they didn't beat around the bush when
> > mentioning them either).
> Ben,
> I think these criticisms are overstated in many cases.  Ever try to get
> ppp running on Solaris? I have installed many distributions. The initial
> install is only a portion of the problem. The rest comes in getting the
> system configured the way that you need it.  That is where Debian excels.

Yes, I have gotten Solaris's PPP configured and, yes it did suck
royally. But that's not the point, Debian does have short comings, and
poeple are aware of them. No matter how much they overstated it, we
need to address these issues.

> Oh, BTW, has anyone ever tried porting the SuSE sax X configuration
> program to Debian? I downloaded the source but have not gotten it to build
> yet ... still shanging stuff in Makefiles, etc.

Some one is messing with RedHat's Xconfigurator.

-----    -- - -------- --------- ----  -------  -----  - - ---   --------
Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems         The Choice of the GNU Generation
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