Kirk Hogenson wrote:

> Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
> >     I know that apt-get -d dist-upgrade ask yes, but how do I pipe to
> > it. I tried apt-get -d dist-upgrade |  y and doesnt work: y -> command
> > not found
> >     Thanks,        Paulo Henrique
> >
> > > Pipe yes to it.
> I think by "Pipe yes to it", he meant to use the "yes" program,
> which just prints "y\n" over & over & over ....
> Like this:
>   yes | apt-get -d dist-upgrade
> Of course, this will only work if all of the questions apt-get asks
> require the answer "y".  But this may not be the case, since,
> according to Shaleh:
> > Yes, except for the fact that the install needs you there to hit enter
> > a few times.  Apt says "is this correct [Y/n]", "press enter to
> > continue".  The packages scripts may ask you for info as well.
> The "press enter to continue" will probably be ok, yes would just
> be typing "y" before pressing enter.  Shouldn't do any harm.
> But, you then will be answering "y" to all of the questions asked
> by the upgrading scripts.  This is probably not what you want.
> Here is a (possibly stupid) idea.  Use the command-line option to
> apt-get (I forgot what it was!  Type apt-get --help) that doesn't
> actually download or install anything, just tells you want it *would*
> do.  Note the packages that you need.  Then, write a script that
> ftp's (using ftp's -s option) all of the required packages at night
> during the cheap download time.  The following day, you can install the
> packages when you are off-line.
> Here is another, much simpler, and probably better, idea.  Stay up late
> one night and start "apt-get dist-upgrade" yourself, and once
> downloading starts, go to sleep.  Use cron or at to automatically hang
> up the phone when the expensive rates begin again.  (i.e., just
> put "poff" in the script that runs at 6am, or whenever.)

    The problem is that I dont want to stay wake up until 12:00 tonight. I
like to sleep early

> If you got all the packages in one night, you'll wake up to a
> system asking you the first configuration question.
> If you hung up in the middle of a download, you can repeat the
> procedure again the next night.  apt-get will resume where it was
> cut off.
> Good luck
> Kirk

    Do you know if there is a manner to reconect if the connection goes
down and re-run apt-get?
Better, is there a a possibility to detect if the connection goes down,
reconnect and run apt-get again?
    Much tanks,        Paulo Henrique

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