On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> We have a large application currently running on Dec Alpha 500/500 machines
> which we are investigating porting to a Linux platform. It consist of a
> SmallTalk engine that uses C and Fortran routines to do it's actual work.
> While all the Fortran compiles with g77/egcs we have some issues with
> optimization greater than -O0. This code is legacy code originally written
> on VMS and earlier platforms. 
> We have tried the Portland Group's compiler with only slightly more success.
> So finally the question: Does any one have a recommendation for a third party
> compiler for Fortran 77 that has been throughly rung out by the user 
> community?

Hi. Are you porting to x86 or Alpha? I've been so happy with eg77
(Debian's g77) on PPro and PII machines that I was able to avoid trying
those other choices (Portland, Absoft, etc.). The optimization up to level
3 (-O3) has worked just fine on the Intel platform in my experience, and
most f77 programs port without any changes. Of course, Digital's f77 with
the -O4 switch produces faster code per MHz on our 600MHz alpha runing

Anyway, sorry I can't be of any help, but I'll be following this thread to
see if anything interesting comes up.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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