> Does anyone here use tclmidi? I have not been able to get it to work. I
> am using recent potato, glibc2.1.
I package it, but only because it's used by rosegarden (which I also
package). I've not tried to actually use it for much -- what's in the
package is pretty much a straight-out-of-the-tarbal build.

I just built a new rosegarden package the other day, and I'll probably try
to get a new tclmidi one out the door in the next week or so (the .deb is
ancient, and is even out of sync with modern debian policy), but I simply
won't have the time to fix some of the non-packaging-related bugs at least
until I get my thesis done next month ...

> Are there any other similar packages? I noticed that tclmidi is quite old.
Tclmidi has been abandoned by the upstream author,  as of last september.
I'm not sure if there is anything else out there which is similar.


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|           You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked          |
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