> It splits the file up into chunks and sends it one chunk per mail
> because some mail transports will reject mail over a certain size.
> I don't know how netscape re-assembles these chunks.

It Dosn't
> You can try making the default chunksize larger so that it is not split.
> To do this, you can add the -s option to the end of the command, along
> with the maximum message size.
> For example:
> [prompt]$ cat mytar.tar.gz |mimeit application/x-gtar/ "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
> "Subject" -s 10000000

Worked Like a charm!!
Thank you Very much!

When sent like this it sends the file in a format that Netscape can
understand and I get the file intact.

I suppose if i get some software for windows that will reassemble a mime
text file, I will be able to use the split messages.  I don't think i
will need this for a while yet.  Thanks again!

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