> "... iso9660 not supported by kernel" is there. Why?
iso9660 is a filesystem type.  The kernel's complaining that it doesn't
have that module installed,  and so can't read the filesystem.

> . configuring device driver modules
>      . fs modules     : hpfs, ncp, smbs, umsdos, vfat
Select iso9660 also.  (I think there's an option for it).

> Why this? Why during the installation process i could use the cdrom and now
> i can't? Why Debain does not recognizes it anymore?
The kernel on the cdrom is a special one,  compiled to recognize
_everything_.  The one you install when you "Install Operating System
Kernel and Modules" isn't quite the same.  You just need to install the
modules ...

> PS: English is not my natural language, so...
You're doing quite well in it. :)


|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
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|           You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked          |
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