On the advice of friends I decided to give enlightenment a go. (and I must
say, from what I saw, it's beautiful!)

A strange thing happened, though.  I started netscape to browse the
package list at www.debian.org to look for esd (the sound thing that it
complained about not having at startup) and things were working well, I
went to the full package list, it got about 25% loaded, and I hit Alt-F to
do a search.  I typed "enlightenment" figuring I might find some other fun
stuff for it too.  Well, I clicked find and my system came to a screeching
halt (mouse wouldn't even move) for about 60sec.  Then it went and found
the first thing with "enlightenment" in the description... odd... ok, move
the "find" window from over the description so I can see what it was...
window moves about 20pixels... screeching halt... I gave this one 5
minutes and it still didn't come back.  ERG!

So, I did a hard reset... fsck whined, made me boot single user to fix a
partition, then I rebooted again... tried E once more only this time not
loading netscape... things were fine for about 1/2 hour.  Killed X,
changed my wm back to wmaker, fired up X, started netscape... things fine
for about 1/2 hour... killed X, changed wm back to E, fired up X, started
netscape, 5 minutes, grinding halt... hard reset... fsck whines... now I'm
not bothering with X.

So something weird is going on with E and netscape... any ideas?  I'm
liking the look of E, I think if I can get it working I'll keep it!



 As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses
 no threat to privilege.
                   --Noam Chomsky

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