On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Steve Beitzel wrote:

> Hey all,
>       Just had to jump in with my $0.02 here -- Winamp is _not_ well
> written - it is a complete resource cow!  It has many features that are
> just plain extraneous and introduce unnecessary overhead.  I have trouble
> even *playing* mp3s on my family's Win98 box, a P133 with 32MB of RAM, let
> alone running something else while listening.  X11amp uses less CPU time,
> it plays well, and it runs on GNU/Linux systems.  Now if it was just open
> source...

I believe it is as of 0.9a it is open source (if not free).
www.x11amp.org has downloadable source which I grabbed and compiled...
worked nicely.  It's even closer to winamp than the version before it
(even supports winamp 2.0 skins).

However I can't get it to work with ESD... but that's ok, I got gqmpeg
(which I think is even nicer!).  There's such an abundance of mp3 players
for linux that I don't think we need to worry about this for a while, I'm
quite pleased!


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