
look for /dev/audio... if it's not there
run /dev/MAKEDEV audio

it should work

and yes, it's an ensoniq card, sb bought them some times ago.

Benoit Joly
On 03-Apr-99 Randy Edwards wrote:
>    I'm playing trying to get a SoundBlaster 128 PCI card working with the
> 2.2.1 kernel.  The card's id'ed as a 1275:5000 by lspci -n, so I've compiled
> it with the Ensoniq ES1370 driver in the kernel's sound options.  However, I
> can't get a squeak out of the card.  I'm pretty clueless when it comes to
> sound, despite reading the howtos and such; can someone give me some hints
> about what I'd need to do to configure this card?  TIA.
> -- 
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> /dev/null

E-Mail: Benoit Joly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03-Apr-99
Time: 00:47:26

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