Hi Nick,

I'd recommend a Permedia 2 based card, and not just because I work for

*       They are dirt cheap these days. 8MB card for around $80 (I would
have thought. I'm in the UK)
*       XFree86 now has a nice fast and stable X-server for them, although
not included in slink as you need There are test debs at
http://master.debian.org/~branden/xsf.html though.
*       Its the chip thats being used by lots of developers as a test bed to
bring 3D onto Linux. e.g. the SuSE guys @ http://www.suse.de/~sim/
*       Kernel support is underway and in 2.2.x so you can run it as a
framebuffer device.
*       I personally use them in several machines now and have very few


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 2:33 AM
> To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject:      Video Card Recommendation
> Hi,
> I've been asked at work to recommend a good PCI / AGP video card for a new
> linux machine they are going to set up. What seems to be working good for
> you guys. (Something less than a $120)
> Thanks
> -Nick M.

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