On Sat, 08 May, 1999 à 12:31:48AM -0400, Jayson Baird wrote:
> After running make menuconfig, make dep, and make-kpkg clean , and then

make menuconfig ; make-kpkg --rev test1 kernel_image is enough, all the gory
details are handled by make-kpkg

> finally to build the kernel package: make-kpkg --rev test1 kernel_image
> Okay, I know I'll probably give a few people some laughs here..but my .deb

I promise you that I've not laughed, I've just smiled :-)

> package is no where to be found..I had about a 7 minute wait while the
> kernel compiled and poof, no .deb with the Kernel..any ideas?
Unless compilation gives errors, cd .. ; ls *.deb will show you the expected

 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU                                      -< )
 /~\       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  /~\
|  \)    Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !    (/  |
 \_|_    Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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