Nori Heikkinen wrote:
on Sat, 04 Jan 2003 05:19:39PM -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson insinuated:

A better solution is to edit /etc/dhclient.conf.  Use one of
   append  search foo.example bar.example
   prepend search foo.example bar.example
depending on the effect you want.
okay, i've been trying this, and i must not be getting the syntax right.
the manpage for dhclient.conf suggests that it should be

prepend search foo.example bar.example;

but i'm having no luck with this. has anyone done something like this?
or should i just not be running dhcp, which i guess i wasn't before ...
? hm.
thanks again,


I just struggled with this for about 4 hours, trying every combination of options I could think of. This is what finally gives me what I want:

root@enlil:~# cat /etc/dhclient.conf
prepend domain-name-servers;
supersede domain-name "lan.invalid";

# neither "prepend domain-name .." nor "append .." worked

root@enlil:~# /etc/init.d/networking restart

root@enlil:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search lan.invalid

if you have more than one domain you'd like to search, i think they need to be seperated with spaces within the single set of quotes.

I'd been running pump, but when I saw this thread I thought I could work around manually resetting resolv.conf every time I booted via a script like this:

cat >/etc/resolv.conf << .
domain lan.invalid
search lan.invalid

(i was having a similar problem as the OP, except it only happened on boot.. my leases tend to last a really long time)

I still can't find a way to get a "domain" entry in there, but the "search" option seems to take care of it. I can ping "router", which is in the lan.invalid domain.

The recommended "prepend/append search lan.invalid" (with or without quotes/semicolon) kept returning an error that there is no option called "search". This is dhcp-client 2.0pl5-14 from unstable.

I had a really hard time with my dhcp-serving netgear router-gateway setting it's own search parameter with strange characters at the end:


I saw a wishlist bug against this (135711), but there was no mention of not being able to update "search" in that bug report. And it didn't seem to effect resolving from, so I have no idea if it was related... When I ran pump it was set to something like



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