> 1.    Is Debian more leaning towards KDE or is this just 'news' from the
> Corel folks? Is there a reason why they chose KDE and not GNOME?
We don't lean either way.  Corel is creating their own distribution based
on Debian -- they'll take stock Debian and stuff to it.  They picked KDE
(you'd have to ask them why) as one of the things to add.

>2.     Which is faster?
It seems to me (I haven't taken any measurements) that Gnome runs
marginally faster on my box, but I don't use either KDE or Gnome much. 
It's probably also worth mentioning that my machine is a P166.  With a
faster one, you'll probably never notice the difference. 

> 3. Which uses less memory and is more stable?
KDE is probably more stable.  Which one uses less memory depends on which
features you turn on in each one.

> 4.    I heard GNOME uses CORBA. What advantage does this give from a
KDE uses CORBA too.  It's just a different implementation of CORBA.  


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|           You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked          |
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