Subject: Re: missing ldd
        Date: Wed, May 26, 1999 at 12:07:37AM -0500

In reply to:Brad

Quoting Brad([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Tue, 25 May 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:
> > So?  I don't understand.  Do you have ldso installed or not?
> > libc6 doesn't provide ldd, ldso does.
> In potato, libc6 does. Apparently ldso does in slink.

Ahh, I guess I didn't take enough mind reading courses. I guess I
shouldn't answer questions that don't include enough info.  That might not
bea a bad idea.  Most of the requests are for info that is available
on the system anyway.

Thanks Brad, I have a potato partition but his question didn't even
make me think of that.  Oh well, I tried.

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