> Hi Debians
> I'm a newbie; just managed to boot my 486/66 (28 ram, 540 WD HD) onto Linux
> late last night, and all seems to be well and good, only I can't install
> anything. Dselect won't let me choose the access method to use (I'm
> installing from the dos-partition, because the computer isn't connected to
> the internet).
> What dselect does is: loads fine, no errors. When I choose "0" "Access"
> <enter> it empties the screen and tells me this at the bottom: dselect:
> unable to open/create access method lockfile: Permission denied and the
> $-prompt.
> My guess is: 1. I have to be "root" to do this
>                 2. I could have set something wrong when assigning
> privileges to (the one and only) user: me?!
> How do I change from user to root when Linux by default asks for my "user"
> password on startup?

If you want to log in as root type "root" at the login and the root
Another way is to login first as user and then "su" to root.  Type "su"
at the prompt and then the root password.  Take a look at the debian
tutorial at,
there is a section on logging in as root and a lot of other good info.

> Is it possible to change the user-privileges to allow me a large degree of
> freedom within the system as "user" (suppose it is, but how?!)
> I can't wait to exterminate my microsoft apps, and I'm really excited about
> this, so I'm looking forward to your answers.
> Regards
> Vitux
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