On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
> >Multi-CD needs to be streamlined.
>     No, it doesn't.  Why use a CD at all when you van get the latest and
> greatest direct from the net?  Better documentation, maybe, so people can get
> a base install working, but beyond that, nothing but net.

that's what I did. I regret paying for the 4-CD set!
dpkg and apt-get I'm very happy with. Great stuff.

>>Then I started to use KMail, and suddenly my hard drive made a
>>terrible sound and stopped, and everything hung, dead. I did a
>>hard reboot and everything worked as though nothing had happened.
>>That's a real worry.

>Can we say "Hard drive failure"?  I knew we could.  That has nothing to do
>with the software running at the time, that is a hardware issue.

The hard drive does this thrashing
thing occassionally, when the PC is just sitting there. No problem with
that, as an OS can be doing some background housecleaning.
The terrible noise and system freeze may be a hardware thing
-- there, I said it.
-- but the drive's only two years old. Well, we'll see.

Barry Kauler

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