On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Tracy Nelson wrote:

> Whenever I start X, it comes up with a default resolution of (I think) 
> 640x480.  I normally run at 1280x1024, which means I have to hit 
> <CTRL><ALT><KP+> two or three times to select the correct resolution.  Is 
> there any way I can specify that as the default resolution?  Is it a matter 
> of just resequencing some lines in my XF86Config file?
> I'd also like to use a resolution of 1152x870, but that resolution wasn't 
> provided under xf86config.  Is there some way I can calculate the vertical 
> and horizontal frequencies for this resolution and add them to my XF86Config 
> file?  1280x1024 is a little much for my .31DP monitor...
> Thanks!
> -- Tracy Nelson

Well there is a file /etc/X11/XF86Config the easy way to do this is just
outcomment the lines you don't need in that file with a '#'.

The ones you need to comment are:

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       16
        Modes       "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
        ViewPort    0 0

or just remove the one you don't need.
Like: "640x480" or put them on the end of the line.

You need to do this in section Device and in Screen.
you probably have multiple sections screeen, you can do them all or do the
one you think is the right one.

Hope this helps.

PS this is not the proper way, I think the proper way is using xf86config
   or XF86Setup, but, I don't use them for 'fine tuning'.

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