Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:

> Hi,
>         I tried to setup the dhcp-beta (server) under slink. The machine
> has two interfaces. I would like to serve only one, say eth1.
>         I edited the dhcp.conf file, the server was started but the
> clients couldn't get dynamic IPs. Both, Win98 and Linux clients.
>         The conf file has just simple entries, since a single
> range will be served.
>         The relevant parts are:
> -------------
> server-identifier   # eth1
> option domain-name "";
> option domain-name-servers;
> subnet netmask {
>   range;
>   option domain-name-servers;
>   some other options; # I didn't recall from memory
> }
> ----------------
>         What could be wrong with this? What else should I configure?
>         The eth1 interface support MULTICAST. Even though, I set I route
> for manually, but didn't help.
>         With tcpdump, I can see bootp and bootps being sent to
> The clients machines, when booted in Win98, auto assign
> some random IP if can't get via DHCP. After this I can see bogus data
> being generated from them. So the network cables are okay! If I define
> appropriated routes, I can even ping them.
>         Please, I would appreciate any help, hint or suggestion on this.
> []s,
> Mario Menezes            "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
>     IPEN-CNEN/SP                 is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
>                 Prov. 19.21
> --
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I have seen this problem before when I did not have a my own host set under 2.0
In 2.2 you don't need to set it it is done for you already.

So if you have messed with network under init.d and removed or changed 
something that
is not allowing your own host to be added to the kernel routeing table this 
could be

    Philip S. Hempel  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
A work in progress to build a site that will allow businesses
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    Linux HardCore

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