Hi Rob,

FTP is a difficult protocol in that it uses two channels/connections.  The 
first one is the command channel which is the one you, the client, makes when 
it connects to the FTP server.  The second is the data channel which the server 
makes BACK to the client when any data, such as a file or directory listing, is 
requested.  The server connects from any port >1023 to the client on port 20, 

I guess that you used ipfwadm/ipchains to set your box as a router.  What's 
probably happening is that you have blocked the incoming connection from the 
ftp server.  To solve this you can either change your ip rules or try and use 
the passive (pasv) form of ftp where the server tells the client the port to 
connect to and the client then does the connection: note that some windows FTP 
clients can't do this commonly the dos box ones can't.

Finally, if security is your concern you could use an ftp proxy such as the 
ones in the TIS Firewall toolkit.



On Sun, Jun 27, 1999 at 12:00:40AM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
> I setup a router for a home network, and everything seems to work fine but
> one thing.  I can't use ftp.  I can connection to sites outside my network
> via ftp, but I can't do the ls command.  Usually, when you do a lsc,
> you get something back like:
> 200 Port Command
> or something like that, but instead, I get:
> 500 Illegal PORT Command
> I can cd and pwd, but can't get a file listing.  Do I have to do some kid
> of port redirection or something on the router?  I can't tell whether I
> can send or recieve files since I can't get dir listings.  Does anyone
> have any info on this?  Thanks.
>                                                               Rob
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