
I have used the lick deb in the Debian distro to install licq. It works fine on
my potato box. Maybe you should install using the lick deb instead of compiling
it yourself? That is if you are running Debian of course.

The only problems I have with lick is that it easily "forget" settings you
channge (and sometimes recently added users). What I have done is to edit the
config files manually, since lick doesn't seem to write to them properly at

On 27-Jun-99 The FreeStuff Web Ring wrote:
> I've been trying to install Licq, but it doesn't seem to be working, any
> suggestion? I keep getting "char" errors during make.  It configures
> just fine.  I have gtkicq installed but I don't like that one very much.
> thanks!
> -- 
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Christian Dysthe
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       "Clones are people two"

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