* Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Failing all this, is there a way to get a similar effect using startx?
> (ie, start an x session but run all programs from another machine).
Use ssh! ssh will take care of seting up X-forwarding and setting the DISPLAY
On your client use startx with an xterm for your windowmanager.
In the xterm ssh to the server and start the windowmanager of your choice from
there. Now you're running all programs from your server.
I've done this myself some times when the machine I'm at is really slow.

I'm sure this could be automated if you use authentication keypairs...
Do something like this in .xinitrc or whichever file is used with startx.
#if you have any special keybindings you'll want to do;
xmodmap .Xmodmaprc #so your keybindings work when you type your password.
ssh-add </dev/null
some stuff you may wish to do...
#On the last line you would normally 'exec' your windowmanager, but instead
#ssh will start one on the remote machine...
exec ssh your-hostname your-windowmanager-of-choice
Please note that I haven't tried this out, but it'll probably work...

Take a look at the manpages for ssh, ssh-keygen and ssh-add and you'll get a
feel for what to do.

Ulrik Haugen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you
do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will
understand why I dismiss yours." -- Stephen Roberts

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