>I tried this after reading the man page and it did not work, so I read the man
>page again and it seems that --user is intended for use in closing a process,
>not in starting one.

damn.  You're right.  Rename the script below, edit the vars at the top,
and you are i business.  Sorry to have led you in the wrong direction before.

--cut kicker.pl

$pidfile = "/var/run/mypidfile";
$daemon = "/usr/bin/id";
[EMAIL PROTECTED] = ("-i", "-o", "-etc");
$user = "nobody";

die "I am already running  ! \n"
  if ( -e $pidfile);

system "echo $$ > $pidfile";

$< = $> = (getpwnam($user))[2];  #set uid and euid 

exec $daemon, @options
  or die "Error: can't exec : $! \n"; 


This will do the setuid part; all you have to do is use start-stop-daemon to
start/stop this script, which in trun will start/stop your program.  You
can use the --pidfile option to start-stop-daemon, which is a Good Thing.


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