Besides all the other problems I've been having with this
unreliable piece of crap called Netscape (Communicator), 
I'm having problem with fonts that are scaled to a size
where they are extremely blocky.

What is strange is that if I change the font size preferences, 
the blocky fonts don't change at all.

For example on, the text of the
left-hand list of links (e.g., Stocks & Optinos, IPOs, etc.)
shows up in a very blocky font.  (Everything else on the 
page shows up cleanly.)

Changing either (or both) of the variable-width and
fixed-width fonts sizes affects _nothing_ on that

I thought that those settings set the screen font size to
use to display default-sized (<FONT SIZE=3>, I think) HTML
fonts, AND also adjusted the screen font sizes to use to
display shrunken (e.g., <FONT SIZE=2>) and enlarged (e.g., 
<FONT SIZE=4>) HTML fonts.  (That is, fonts shrunk from
the default were displayed with a larger screen font, but
it was still smaller than the now-larger screen font used
for default-sized HTML text.)

(This is currently with Communicator 4.08, but 4.61 and
4.51 seemed to be the same.)

Are web sites increasingly screwing around with fonts in
non-standard ways, or is something screwed up (or just not
loaded right) on my machine?

I think I have the normal X11 fonts installed on my system.
Should that be enough?

Or do I need special fonts?  Do I need xfs?

Is there anything else I need (besides an H-bomb to remove
a number of these computer-related frustrations from my

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:

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