On Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 04:09:50AM +0100, Frankie Fisher wrote:
Content-Description: Removing duplicate emails...
> Hi,
> Sometimes fetchmail is interrupted when it is fetching mail from my pop 
> account.
> The result of this is that I have duplicate emails in my mail spool. Is there 
> a package which will scan my mail spool and remove duplicates? [perhaps I 
> could work it into my .fetchmailrc or sthg, or ppp/ip-up.d or somewhere]
> TIA,
> frankie
I have this problem too. I am using procmail that I set up to catch duplicate
(using the example), but unfortunately when there are too many mails it does
not work (message ids need to be in cache, but cache size is limited). Still,
if you take your mails often that might be enough for you. Or you can use a
bigger cache, I use 32kb now but i'm going to increase that.


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