
i have the same problem! It seems to me, there is no jumper, that disables the 
onboard(Anchorage PB790, Packard Bell XLE 1423) video(ATI Rage II+ 
(Direct)(Draw)), but
2 Mb is too few! PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 (4A3NT0X0.11A.003.P06.9709) let me 
PCI(onboard) graphics card for ISA:
Advanced  —> Video Configuration —> Palette Snooping: Disabled/Enabled

"PCI devices may need to know if an ISA graphics device in the system in oder 
to enable
that card to function correctly. If you are using an ISA graphics card, you may 
need to
set this value to Enabled" Must i using ISA graphics card?

Help! 2Mb is too few!


Nathan Duehr schrieb:

> Is there a jumper on the motherboard (besides the BIOS setting) that
> physically disables the onboard video when you're not using it?
> On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Let me tell you about strange happenings on my computer.  Any
> > suggestions/ideas would be most appreciated, though could you please cc a
> > copy to me directly as I am currently reading the list on the web which
> > usually has a day or two delay.
> >
> > I currently use a PCI graphics card on my computer, even though my
> > motherboard has a built in graphics card.  The reason for this is that X
> > did not support the onboard chipset.  This has changed however --- I
> > believe it is now supported.  I decided to bite the bullet and get my
> > onboard card working.  Let me tell you my strange and twisted story.
> >
> > 0. I should first mention that I have just done a very minimal upgrade to
> > a few potato packages - basically just enough to get the latest apt
> > working, as well as the XFree86 version 3.3.4 packages to install.  This
> > could possibly be relevant --- potato being unstable and all.
> >
> > 1. Having downloaded the latest XFree86 (version 3.3.4), I tried it on my
> > existing setup (with my PCI graphics card) and it seemed to work fine.
> >
> > 2. I rebooted, got into BIOS setup, and tried to turn on my onboard
> > graphics card.  I found the BIOS option to do this, but the option was
> > shadowed --- so that I was unable to change it from disabled to enabled.
> > This was strange because the onboard card was turned on when I first got
> > the new motherboard and I had been able to turn it off.  I figured I
> > needed to change some other option before it would allow me to turn the
> > graphics card on.  I fiddled with all sorts of things, but nothing would
> > let me do it.
> >
> > 3. I tried physically removing the PCI graphics card, in the hope that
> > then it would be forced to use the onboard card, but when I turned it on,
> > it just beeped wildly at me.
> >
> > 4. One action of the BIOS setup menu is to choose "optimal settings", I
> > tried this to see what it would do, and it actually turned the onboard
> > graphics card setting to "enabled", though it was still in shadow so that
> > I couldn't ajust this or any of the associated settings (such as how much
> > memory to give the onboard card).  I didn't actually keep these settings
> > on exiting BIOS setup, for fear of nasty things happening, like neither
> > graphics card working.
> >
> > 5. I gave up on changing graphics cards for the time being, so returned my
> > PCI graphics card, and rebooted.  I went to start up X and the screen went
> > black.  I tried changing back to a console and though at first it didn't
> > work, eventually it did go back to console mode.  I then switched back to
> > X.  This time the background and cursor came up properly, but the mouse
> > wouldn't move.  No response.  I tried going back to consoles, but this
> > time it wouldn't work.  I tried kiling X through Ctr-Alt-Backspace but
> > this didn't work, something did happen (see aside below), but X didn't die
> > and the screen remained unchanged.  Eventually I had to turn the
> > machine off and on to get back.
> >
> > Aside: in the past (with this motherboard) when I have tried to exit X via
> > Ctr-Alt-Backspace, something weird has happened.  The harddrives have
> > suddenly shutdown, then a few seconds later they start powering up again.
> > It's a bit worrying and I don't know why it happens.  I usually avoid this
> > problem by getting out via a menu.  Anyway, this time when I pressed
> > Ctr-Alt-Backspace the disks powered down as has happened previously, but
> > the was no exiting X!  In fact when I did it a second time, the powering
> > down happened again -- and still no change on the screen.
> >
> > So that's where I am now.  X doesn't work anymore and I don't know why.
> > Was it something to do with me fiddling with BIOS, or pulling the card out
> > and back in again?  Or was it something to do with the new XFree86 (3.3.4)
> > that only showed up after a reboot?  Or is the hardware playing up?  Or is
> > it something to do with moving to some potato packages?  Or what?
> >
> > And why can't I select the onboard graphics card???  Are the BIOS options
> > faulty?  Or do I need to turn something else on/off before it works?  Or
> > is the graphics card hardware onboard dead or something?  Or what?
> >
> > If any ideas spring to mind, I'd appreciate hearing them.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Mark.
> >
> Betreff:
>             Re: [Debian]:PC_Professionell_onboard-karte
>      Datum:
>             Tue, 03 Aug 1999 11:24:25 +0200
>        Von:
>             [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Nuessgen)
>       Firma:
>             Theater Fletch Bizzel
>         An:
>             Debian-User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Referenzen:
>             1 , 2
> Marcus Brinkmann schrieb:
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 02:21:48AM +0200, Konstantin Machow wrote:
> [...]
> > *lach*
> >
> > Starten sie den Rechner, und drücken sie:
> >
> >
> > Marcus
> Was soll das denn? Du hast ja keine Ahnung. Die haben sich bei Siemens
> schon was dabei gedacht. Die Rechner sind professionelle Maschinen -
> an denen hat der "User" nicht rumzufummeln und im BIOS zu basteln: Da
> hat dann wieder ein "PowerUser" die "PC-Easy" gelesen und
> kurbelt in der Konfiguration rum bis nichts mehr geht, ruft um Hilfe
> und beschwert sich, daß die Maschine nicht läuft. Gut das es
> Bios-Passwörter, geheime Hotkeys und abschließbare Gehäuse gibt.
> Gruß,
> Marco.
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