On Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 11:13:46AM +0100, Thys van der Merwe wrote:
> Hi
> I hope someone can help me with this.
> I loaded the Debian base on my laptop, hoping to get the rest of the
> packages off the net using dselect.
> At first I thought that I had a problem using pppconfig, so I got Minicom
> and wvdial and found that after issuing ATZ to the modem that the modem
> wasn't responding.  It is an external modem on the serial port.  The laptop
> has a trackball and no other mouse.  The modem was on and when issuing ATZ
> did flicker a few lights, but other than that did nothing.  In fact,
> wvdialconf doesn't even detect the modem.
> I then thought the modem was broken and took it off, attached it to a win
> machine and could connect to the net within minutes.
> If anyone could help me with this problem, I would be very greatful.

Is your serial port detected at boot-time?
Did you configure the serial port with setserial?
You need to go through /etc/serial.conf to see if the settings
are there....

> Thanks
> Thys


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

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