Hi all,

I wonder if I'm gonna upgrade my firewall from 2.0.36 to 2.2.10 kernel version.
The helpz in menuconfig seems to say there's a lot of makenode, ipchains instead
of ipfwadm... to do.
But I read somewhere that 2.0.36 has security failures, so do you think I should
upgrade or not?

My net is made of a 486 firewall, 8 MB ram, 125 MB HD (only 55MB taken under
debian!), wich permit acces to cable internet, and a PII/400 station.

Jean-Yves Barbier   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Membre fondateur du CGE
"La mort n'est, en definitive, que le resultat d'un manque d'education
puisqu'elle est la consequence d'un manque de savoir vivre." P. DAC
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