On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Phillip Deackes wrote:

> Jor-el <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Phillip,
> > 
> >     Its seems to me that you havent read the manpage. Specifically,
> > the sections about the '-m', the '-u', and the user authentication.
> It seems to me you didn't read my original query. I did read the
> manpage, -m appears to refer to the mail delivery agent. I use exim as
> an MDA. -u relates to the login name with the IP. As I explained, my
> IP's POP3 server requires that I log in with scgf, my *hostname*. The
> same hostname is used by everyone on my system, hence mail collected
> with this login could belong to anyone.
> As it happens, I found the answer in the Linux Gazette - they have an
> excellent article on Setting up Exim for a home network
> (http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue42/stumpel.html
> I added this to my ~/.forward file:
> if $header_to: contains "sah1" 
> then deliver sah1
> This causes exim to deliver mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
> the correct inbox for sah1, ie. /var/spool/mail/sah1
> I appreciate your reply, Jorel, but I am somewhat annoyed at your
> implication that I would not bother to read the most obvious manpage. It
> appears that many Linux users are just too quick to point the finger at
> others who they believe have not read the documntation.


        Please accept my apologies for the unwarranted aspersions. You are
right : I didnt completely understand your question.


He who is intoxicated with wine will be sober again in the course of the
night, but he who is intoxicated by the cupbearer will not recover his
senses until the day of judgement.
                -- Saadi

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