On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 05:52:24AM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> How many bits of encryption does Mozilla use for secure documents?  If
> I am to use Mozilla as a replacement for netscape I'd like to see the
> 128 bit version, so I can use it for on-line purchases for e-merchants
> with a credit card.  The us version of Netscape is available with 128
> bit encryption (that's what I'm using now).  If Mozilla is not using
> the full encryption is there a fortify package for it?

Currently, mozilla .deb doesn't have SSL support compiled in. It appeared
not stable enough for general use last time we tried it.

I don't think there is a fortify package for it, but I could be wrong.

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name
  • Mozilla Kenneth Scharf
    • Josip Rodin

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