Subject: Apt-get source question
        Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 09:17:18AM -0200

In reply to:Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira

Quoting Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>         Hi Debian users,
>         anyone knows if with apt-get source package I can see the new 
> avaliable packages before get sourcing to checks if the pack
> age is it or doesn't exist?
>         My problem is:
>         I have a slink home box. First I installed apt 0.3.11 to get source 
> potato packages to compile here. So, I have a slink bo
> x with lot of potato packages compiled.
>         But, how do I check what new packages are avaliable for me to get 
> with apt-get source? Only with more /var/lib/dpkg/avalia
> ble I can do this! :(
>         Thanks,         Paulo Henrique

  Could you _please_ set your editor to wrap at 70 or so columns.
        Your posts a a pain to read as setup now.

A LISP programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of

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