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On 27 Aug 99 17:17:56 GMT Tam Ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I think you guys should know these information;
>       When I install the module, it gives me this message
>             sbpcd-0 [11]:Drive 0(ID=0); CR-563 (0.81) at 0x340 (type 0)
>             ....
>        and then it tells me to do something with the sbpcd.h file...

I used to use sbpcd.  It's just telling you to recompile the kernel
(or spbcd module) so that it knows to look at 0x340, instead of
having to scan.  The module should work fine up to then, but there
will be time-wasting scanning every time you load it.

>       When I look the /dev directory, I see cdrom as a link to sbpcd and
>       I also see a bpcd(don't what this is ).

I wonder if bpcd could be a "Backpack" CD.  Backpack makes
parallel-port CD-ROM units.

In any case, use modprobe to find out if spbcd is loaded.  If it is,
don't fool around with configuration files, just type

        mount -t iso9660  /dev/cdrom /mnt
Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy." 
        -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

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