On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 09:02:02PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> I just installed Debian 2.1 on a system with an Adaptec 2940 controller
> which ran, among other things, the CD I used.  After running into the
> well-known problems with that controller, I made a boot floppy from the
> site pointed to in the release notes (in sweden, I think).
> >From there on I pointed the install at the CD.  I'm pretty sure this means
> I got the vanilla kernel, because when I try to boot off the hard drive I
> get the same Adaptec error.  I can boot off the same diskette I used for
> the install, with rescue root=/dev/hdax (from memory) getting me into the
> main system.
> So I need to get the good stuff onto the hard drive.  How do I do that?

Well, you could copy the file you downloaded from sweden onto your harddrive
and setup lilo to boot with that -- but, honestly, probably the right thing
to do is compile your own kernel with the support you need compiled in.
Compiling the kernel isn't too bad; there is the debian way (look in the
archives of this mail list for the last day or two for that..) and the
standard way -- which basically boils down to:

make menuconfig
make clean ; make dep
make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install

Then copy /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/vzlinuz to someplace, normally
/boot/vmlinuz or /vmlinuz or .. most anything else will work if you edit
your lilo.conf file. Also copy /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/System.map to

Then, be sure to re-run /sbin/lilo :)

Of course, ymmv :)

> I also noticed a reference in the email archives to another site, which had
> diskette images for the boot disk and another for a driver disk.  I never
> used the latter, and I never told the install process to add a module to
> get the fixes onto the system.
> I'd appreciate any advice.  If necessary I can do another install, though
> I'd naturally prefer not to.  I spent several hours installing packages.
> By the way, the hard disk I am using is IDE.  The system has a SCSI disk
> drive (also a SCSI Jaz), but it's full.
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
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