On Sat, 18 Sep 1999 02:31:44 -0700, Seth R Arnold wrote:

>> RAM.) Every couple of days I have to restart inetd or other stand-alone 
>> services (like syslogd, klogd, snmpd, apache.)
>Ralf, ugly as it is, you could have a cron job restart inetd every five
>minutes. I have heard that there is a debian package to ensure that daemons
>are always running, I have forgotten the name of course.

Well, this *is* ugly indeed. I'd rather fix the reason, not the symptom. :-)

I mean I can't believe that there isn't an "elegant" way to stop *already 
running* processes from dying(sp?) because of memory shortage.

>Perhaps you could check ebay, ubid, etc for used memory?

Sorry, it took me a minute to understand what you are suggesting. My first 
thought was "I've never heard about these programs." :-)))

I don't think that's an option. I have a very limited budget and already 
spent much more than I originally wanted to spend.

Also, it's a matter of principle: We're talking about Linux, not Windoze, 
ok? So why can't the machine just run, even under memory shortages? There's 
lots of free swap space available, I don't understand why that doesn't 
suffice to keep the processes running?

Before I had that many FTP users on one of the machines, I had the machine 
running for half a year without a single reboot or me having to restart 
services. Now sometimes I have to restart inetd twice a day. If I hadn't 
sshd running which fortunately doesn't die I even had to drive a mile or two 
to fix the machine. :-(

Any other idea? Pointers to "watchdog" programs that restart services?

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