On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

> Anyone care to explain why I should use ftp instead of http ?
> I connect the old-fashioned way : 56k dialup access using PPP :)

You shouldn't, the HTTP code in APT is very carefully optimized to get the
best performance so long as you are not using a proxy server (transparent
or otherwise)
> In the case of the above when stable and unstable are mixed
> together, packages from stable get priority since there version
> numbering is higher than the ones from stable and so they are
> 'preferred'. This is what I have observed when I am installing
> packages via apt-get install.

No, APT always selects the newest package by version no matter what. The
order in the sources.list effects the selection of source for equal
versions. For instance if you put two unstable sites then it would prefer
the first, only using the second if the first failed for some reason.


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