On Sat, 06 Nov, 1999 à 02:36:25PM -0500, Salman Ahmed wrote:
> Whenever I reboot/shutdown my debian system, one of the message I see on
> the console during shutdown is :
>   CMOS clock updated to Sat Nov  6 14:25:38 EST 1999
> This alongwith the fact that APM support (which I have compiled into my
> 2.2.13 kernel) seems to reset the time on every reboot is likely the
> reason why my clock seems to be losing time gradually and every couple
> of weeks totally loses it!!!
> My questions are:
> (1) is it possible to configure Debian so that it DOESN'T update the
> CMOS clock whenever the system is shutdown/rebooted ?
Yes : remove the appropriate links in /etc/rc[06].d but it's not a good 

> (3) How do I change my system's configuration so that the CMOS clock
> stores time in GMT ? This is supposed to be a better way to store time
> in the CMOS clock but I can't seem to find the option in my system's
> BIOS. (FYI, I am using an ABIT BH6 MB).
For your BIOS : simply set your CMOS clock to the GMT time : it's that
simple. For debian : are you using slink or potato ? BTW, did you choosed
the right options during your kernel compilation ? You should post here the
CONFIG_APM* of your /usr/src/linux/.config

> A number of people on this list have already recommended the use of
> packages like ntpdate, xntp, etc. but I would first prefer to solve this
> problem by having Debian not update my CMOS clock on every

Updating CMOS on reboot/shutdown does improve the efficiency of

> reboot/shutdown. After that, I will look into setting up xntp, etc. to
> sync time/date whenever I dial out to my ISP.
> My system is a slink/potato salad.
for a (pure) slink system you set this (usage of GMT or local time) in
 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU                                      -< )
 /~\       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  /~\
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 \_|_    Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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