On Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 01:16:02AM -0500, Salman Ahmed wrote:
> Just completed an apt-get dist-upgrade today, and after all the dust and
> smoke settled I noticed that the smtp and sunrpc services are enabled. I
> checked using nmap, and here is the output I got:
> @phoenix:[/home/ssahmed]  nmap localhost
> Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor
> Interesting ports on phoenix (
> Port    State       Protocol  Service
> 25      open        tcp        smtp            
> 111     open        tcp        sunrpc          
> 113     open        tcp        auth            
> 1024    open        tcp        unknown         
> 6000    open        tcp        X11
> So, where is this (new) smtp server being started up from ? It wasn't
> running prior to the apt-get dist-upgrade that I did today. And how do I
> disable it ?
> Ditto for the sunrpc service.
> Thanks for any info.

You can use the fuser command to find out which processes are opening
those ports. For example, on my system i get these results:
  # fuser -vn tcp 111

                       USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
  111/tcp              root      32022 f....  portmap
  # fuser -vn tcp 25 

                       USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
  25/tcp               root      20357 f....  xinetd

xinetd is holding port 25 because i didn't comment out the smtp line in
/etc/xinetd.conf (xinetd is an inetd replacement). portmap is from the
netbase package.

Once you know which programs are opening the ports, you should be able
to determine how to disable them.  Keep in mind that the upgrade may
have started daemons that won't actually be started when you reboot --
dropping to single user mode, then going back to your normal runlevel
may give you an idea of which will be started on a reboot.

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  16 Nov 1999 - new key generated, please stop using the old.

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