On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 09:01:37AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
> I have sound working fine as the root user, but it is screwed as any
> other. I am using commercial OSS as I have NEVER been able to get any of
> the other stuff to work. I presented this problem to the tech folks at
> 4Front and their answer was to change the permissions on /dev/dsp by
> using the command  chmod a+rw /dev/dsp* this did not make any
> difference. just for the sake of being thorough I also tried changing
> every other sound related device to the same and even tried doing chmod
> a+rwx /dev/dsp* and all the others. It still only works as root. I'm
> puzzled. I am using kernel 2.2.13 on a slink pure stable system (not the
> same one as before Brian :-)) I use Gnome session loaded at boot into
> the icewm-gnome window manager. If I start soundon as root it will carry
> over to the cdplayer and mixers that run in X and the mixer in gnome but
> the Gnome cdplayer still doesn't connect (I think that's another
> problem)

Are you sure your user is part of the 'audio' group?

Jean-Yves F. Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 The Macintosh is Xerox technology at its best.

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