* Sven Esbjerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 11:54:39AM -0500, Rick Knebel wrote:
>> In RedHat I put my ipchain rules in rc.local so they start up at bootime.
>> Where in debian can I put these.

> The correct place for bootscripts in Debian is /etc/rcS.d . Normally you would
> put the actual script  in /etc/init.d and a symlink to it from /etc/rcS.d .

...and these symlinks can be set up with /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
(mentioning this before you do this by hand).

| Re: Kernel size is 666K! I kid you not! 
| by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 26, @08:50AM 
| I came home from a Barry Manilow concert once and had 666 burned into
| my forehead! I shit you not!        [Kernel 2.2.0 is announced on /.]

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