What packages are you referring to that are outdated? XF86 is, so compile
your own(i have been for ages), kde,gnome ..so compile yer own..again ive
done this too..makes my slink system quite happy.

ive already decided im NOT going to upgrade any debian systems from slink
to potato that are not used as desktop machines, which is about 90% of my
linux boxes.

slink has prooven stable for me, and im stickin to it.  i talked to one
guy who was just now upgrading from sunos4 (~1993 ?) to solaris 6 *just
because of y2k stuff*.


On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

hamish >On Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 10:47:10PM -0500, Tim Webster wrote:
hamish >> I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown 
extremely out date.
hamish >
hamish >In what way?
hamish >
hamish >The software in it is old, although not too old. Does it still work?
hamish >My slink systems still run happily.
hamish >
hamish >
hamish >Hamish
hamish >-- 
hamish >Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.
hamish >
hamish >
hamish >-- 
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hamish >

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