Well, I have a mac IIci with 24 Meg RAM, 1.2 Gbyte SCSI HD, ext SONY
CD-ROM, ext Global Village modem 33.6 baud, , no ethernet card.  I have
the slink version of the software and I have all the documentation that
comes with that.  I also have bought and read the paperback Debian
GNU/Linux Guide and I have Running Linux by O'Reilly.  I can't get this
bad boy to work.  I have repeatedly tried to do the initial install with
dbootstrap after partitioning the HD as described in the Guide from the
web site.  I have seen errors such as 'segmentation fault' at just about
each step, without any real rhyme or reason.  If it happens, I reboot
and then will mysteriously get past that point and get a freeze at
another point.  Anyway, I was able to load it once, but then when I
rebooted and entered my password I kept getting an error: INIT:
respawing and then I had to wait 5 minutes before the anything else.  If
I waited, the same error would occur repeatedly.  Is there some other
documentation that I need to look at?  I am new to Linux as if you
didn't guess.  I would appreciate any guidance to wards getting this
system up and running.

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