On Thu, 02 Dec, 1999 à 07:17:08AM -0500, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
> I have been following the postings about hte inaccuracy of time
> brought about by shutting down the machine.
> The suggestions were: rem /etc/adjtime, run hwclock
> and remove hwclock --adjust line from /etc/initd.hwclock.sh
> I have done this, run hwclock to adjust the time and then run
> hwclock --hctosys
> but everytime I shutdown the machine, the next time I reboot
> the time is wrong. I am running slink, and kernel 2.2.10.
Just a suggestion : I think that you've enabled APM in your BIOS and not in
your kernel. If you're using APM, it is important (for the clock) to have an
APM aware kernel...

If my suggestion is wrong, could you let me know it please ?

 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU                                      -< )
 /~\       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  /~\
|  \)    Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !    (/  |
 \_|_    Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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