On 12-Dec-99 Matthew Bloch wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Neil Booth wrote:
>> I'm considering buying a digital camera or videocam, but am concerned
>> about being able to download the JPEG images to Linux.  Of course, the
>> cameras come with a serial cable and software for downloading the
>> images to Windows.

It is worth considering a camera that can record the JPEG file directly
to a floppy disk -- either natively (the Sony Mavica was probably the
earliest to do it this way) or using a bit of clip-on kit which you
buy separately (an increasing number of makes offer this option).

Then you don't have to worry about using software, cables or any other
nonsense: you just put the floppy into the computer (anybody's
computer ... ) and copy the files. Also, provided you have enough
battery resources, you can go out for a long day with a pocket-full
of floppies and come home with hundreds of photos: you don't have to
buy several expensive memory modules to achieve the same effect.

(The floppies used are in all cases -- as far as I know -- standard
DOS-formatted floppies straight out of the box).


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12-Dec-99                                       Time: 15:13:37
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