On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 05:02:21AM +0800, Brian Almeida wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 1999 at 09:36:44AM +0100, Stefan Hornburg wrote:
> > That is understandable, but how one becomes Debian maintainer from
> > scratch ? This is the cause why Dennis and I need a sponsor.
> > We developing this software and Dennis will maintain the Debian
> > packages.
> When I joined Debian about a year and a half ago, you didn't need
> to be sponsored.  The only reason sponsors are so popular right
> now is because since new-maintainer is closed, it is the only
> way for you to get your package into debian.  Once it reopens,
> there shouldn't be any issues.


Will those who applied after new-maintainer was closed have to
re-apply? I'm not sure exactly when this happened, since there never
was any announcement. I received an acknowledgement, but no follow-up
after I applied over six months ago (and no response to my followup
messages, which were sent per the instructions in Section 2.2 of the
Developer's Reference, either).

The Developer's Reference still has all the old information, by the way.  

It would be nice to hear something from the New Maintainer team, rather
than just several months of silence.  I'm not flaming anyone, but this
has been handled rather badly and I would like to know what the @#%& is
going on (in addition to the very sparse information which has appeared
on debian-devel and debian-mentors)!  

I have located a sponsor and will be resuming work on some packages
which I had put aside because the situation was (and still is),
frankly, rather discouraging.

I know that there are many others in the same situation, although I
expect that some have probably concluded that their contributions were
not welcome here and have gone elsewhere.  If this is indeed the case,
it is unfortunate for Debian, as well as those involved.



Bob Nielsen, W6SWE  (RN2)        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985   http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

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