On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Stuart Ballard wrote:

sballa >I have had this problem on two different computers, at least 3 different
sballa >3com 59x network cards, and both the slink default kernel-image and my
sballa >own compiled 2.2.12 (using kernel-package). In one case I was unable to

I have been using a 3c59x NICs for a while now and haave not had that
problem thus far(only using 2.2.10 though)

sballa >The symptom is that between 1 and 15 minutes after loading the 3c59x
sballa >module (either by modprobe, ifconfig, or modconf), the machine reboots
sballa >with no warning whatsoever. I have not timed this problem (in all cases

do the logs show anything? are you overclocking? you could also download
the 3c59x drivers from 3COM themselves..i had to do this to get the
system to detect 2 cards at the same time.  If you run X, i'd reccomend
installing something like root-tail(see freshmeat) and you can have your
logs output to the root window.  when i tried overclocking with a RT8139
card i got about 50,000 pci bus errors before the machine
crashed/rebooted. if i ddint have root tail loaded i wouldnt of noticed
the errors..

sballa >compiles things. Could this be a gcc2.7/egcs/gcc2.95 issue? Does
sballa >kernel-package use gcc2.95 where available? What is the slink default
sballa >kernel-image compiled by?

i hope the kernel people dont use gcc2.95 the linux-kernel mailing list
still reccomends not to use it ..i have had many crashes with gcc2.9.x but
virtually none with

sballa >say that even if it's user error it's a bug... no bad input should cause
sballa >a spontaneous reboot, just an error message).
sballa >

It seems that card isn't the greatest.. i bought it thinking it was
good..hoping it was good(that and i hate intel) but today i picked up a
new linksys 10/100 switch and the 3com card would NOT work with it,
neither linksys nor 3com could shed light on it..yet the other 3 NICs here
i have work perfectly.(the 3com card would not even put a light on the
switch, although worked perfectly on my 100baseTX hub.


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