>       I am quite a new user to Linux and thus I was looking to install a 
> dual-boot system.  I have figured out this much so far...
>       I have two hard disks.  My Linux disk is on the primary master.  It 
> contains the following partitions: hda1, hda2, <hda5>.  I also have a Windows 
> 98 disk on the secondary slave.  It contains the following partitions: 
> [PTBL], hdd1.
>       I am quite able to boot up Linux, so I'm pretty sure I've got that set 
> up correctly.  I can disable the primary master in my BIOS, which will then 
> boot up my secondary slave drive and up pops a Windows 98 boot-up screen.  
> However, what I cannot do is convince LILO that it should boot up Windows 98 
> when I configure it thus:

it's win98 that doesn't want to boot, i think because it _has_ to be on the 
first harddrive... 
i have a similar setuop and had problems too, what you have to do is re-map the 
win HD so windows thinks it's on the primary master.
modify /etc/lilo.conf as follows:

> #Win98
> other=/dev/hdd1
>       label=Win98
>       table=/dev/hdd

that should solve the problem


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