On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 04:18:51PM +1100, Matthew Dalton wrote:
> Alisdair McDiarmid wrote: 
> > Yes, I have. The strath.* newsgroups have files in
> > /var/spool/news/interesting.groups/ and are listed in
> > /var/spool/news/leaf.node/nntphost.cs.strath.ac.uk too.
> Have you tried running 'texpire' before running fetch?

Yes (just now) - no difference.

I did just notice something else though: leafnode attempts to post an
article twice! I've no idea why this is happening at all - I can't
even post to nntphost.cs.strath.ac.uk, and it doesn't have a feed of
the newsgroup I'm trying to post to! Here's the log, the lines
beginning `Posting' are relevant:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/alisdair] # fetchnews -vvv
1.9.9: verbosity level is 3
Trying to connect to news.colloquium.co.uk ... connected.
Posting 3380-947222199-1...
 - OK
Getting new newsgroups from news.colloquium.co.uk
Read server info from /var/spool/news/leaf.node/news.colloquium.co.uk
comp.unix.programmer: considering articles 517-517
comp.unix.programmer: will fetch 517 (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
comp.unix.programmer: receiving article 517 (0 more up in the air)
storing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: comp.unix.programmer
..as article 491 in comp.unix.programmer
comp.unix.programmer: 1 articles fetched, 0 killed
comp.unix.shell: no new articles
comp.unix.questions: no new articles
uk.comp.os.linux: no new articles
uk.forsale: considering articles 1-71
Disconnected from news.colloquium.co.uk.
Trying to connect to news.pair.com ... connected.
Getting new newsgroups from news.pair.com
Read server info from /var/spool/news/leaf.node/news.pair.com
pair.community: considering articles 5017-5316
pair.announce: no new articles
pair.users: no new articles
pair.notices: no new articles
pair.network: no new articles
pair.mail: no new articles
pair.future: no new articles
Disconnected from news.pair.com.
Trying to connect to nntphost.cs.strath.ac.uk ... connected.
Posting 3380-947222199-1...
Article 3380-947222199-1 rejected: 441 you do not have posting access
to {uk.comp.os.linux}
Getting new newsgroups from nntphost.cs.strath.ac.uk
Read server info from
comp.unix.shell: considering articles 80438-81561
uk.forsale: considering articles 30251-60240
strath.cs.forsale: considering articles 4-12
pair.future: considering articles 3-221
Disconnected from nntphost.cs.strath.ac.uk.

And here's my /etc/news/leafnode/config (comments stripped, passwords

server = news.colloquium.co.uk
expire = 90
supplement = news.pair.com
username = pair
password =
supplement = nntphost.cs.strath.ac.uk
username = amcdiarm
password =
maxage = 90
create_all_links = 1

What could be causing this? Help! :-)
alisdair mcdiarmid                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[the day is done but i'm having fun i think i'm dumb maybe just happy]

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