Subject: gethostbyname() cannot find host
        Date: Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 09:55:51PM +0000

In reply to:Phillip Deackes

Quoting Phillip Deackes([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>| I keep getting emails in my inbox, (addressed to root but arriving in my
>| inbox because I have set this up in my aliases file) with the subject:
>| Irritating because I get a great many such messages (possibly coinciding
>| with when I use sudo?)
>| Any ideas would be very welcome!

Exim doesn't send mail to root.  IIRC you have to set another user as
sysadmin, for exim, and it sends mail to that user (etc/aliases).  The
gory details are in the exim docs (/usr/doc/spec.txt.gz).

If your not using exim, then please ignore the above.


User n.:
        A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

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