> Welcome to (10 second pause) ISP Name (10 second pause) Username (10
> second pause) etc.
> I'm running on a old 386-33Mhz with 8megs RAM so is it possible my

that probably means, that you dont't have a 16550A uart. try
dmesg | less
and watch the lines beginning with ttyS00 and ttyS01.

> hardware isn't fast enough for linux communications programs or have I
> misconfigured my serial port?  Using setserial, I've configured ttyS2
> (port where modem resides) at 115200 with the svhi flag.  I've also

old uart's cannot handle such speed. don't remember exactly at the
momement, but wasn't 38400 the limitation for the 16450?

> changed minicom's settings to 115200 etc. with the fastest settings
> possible.
> The modem ran fine under MS-DOS using Qmodem.

can you check the working settings of the uart under dos?


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